Labtech Slide 1
Fast order capture Adaptable - meaningful - legally binding
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Professional staff Structured - committed - reliable
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customer-oriented Flexible - fast - unproblematic
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State-of-the-art testing technology Powerful - professional - competent

Labtech Prüfungsgesellschaft

The Labtech Prüfungsgesellschaft mbH supports you with qualified personnel as a self-determining, impartial and independent laboratory. We are testing your textiles, fabrics and consumer goods matching to your requirements according to standardized test methods. We can also prepare individual test methods which are especially adjusted to your needs.

Our Laboratory

Our Laboratory is equipped with the most modern test technology. We invest consistently year by year in the development of new test methods and analytical instruments.
This continuous expansion of our performance makes it possible, to react straight to the always changing needs of our customers.

The professional laboratory practice is ensured by our cooperation with various audit committees of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, as well as the cooperation in different projects.

The qualification of our employees is guaranteed by an internal apprenticeship and also the training of the test equipment manufacturers.
We are an apprenticing company for textile laboratory technicians.

The ultimate goal of our quality policy is the satisfaction of our customers:
satisfaction is the base of our economic success.

Our services

We support you on a wide scale with our services in different sections like physical and chemical testing’s as well as inspections.